Creating a Sanctuary - Nesting Tips for 2025
Jan 05, 2025
Without a doubt....there has never been a better time to create good vibes for your home. Nesting is essential to a healthy lifestyle no matter where you are or how small or big your space is. Here are some tips on Creating a Sanctuary in 2025.
I've written about this before. Every year seems to be even more important for living in a home that soothes the soul, a place to rest that allows us to recharge. The world is shifting as I type this in early January, 2025... we have every reason to feather our nests.
It can be big or small changes or additions. Maybe you need to purge some items that no longer serve you. Maybe you need a fresh plant, new wall decor or a new chair to rest in. You deserve a space that lifts your spirit, a space that you love coming home to.

nesting in my own sanctuary means plants and texture
Creating a space that is a sanctuary is as simple as selecting items that speak to you...well "what do you mean...speak to me?" you ask!
I know it's a bit hard to grasp for some. But literally ...what kinds of items make you take a double look? What items feel good to the touch for you, smell good or just visually are making you happy....that's how we create a "nest" that has good vibes!
When "nesting" sets in....we create space that makes us thrive. We tidy and clean and put things in our sight that make us happy.
I've put together some vignettes to give you a little inspiration.
First is this space that could work anywhere in a home...but definitely is great for a meditation space, a sacred space area or an altar. I've followed our decorating rule of something new, something old (vintage) and something created. Dried and live greenery will always certainly add to that rustic, somewhat cottage vibe.

A vintage painting on velvet.... a bit exotic...a bit mysterious and will certainly add a global collected look to your home. We've paired it here with an interesting vintage lamp and some collected pottery filled with fresh cut greenery. Lively and's welcoming to the eclectic home space or office.
Adding handmade artisan items to your home is important for a well collected home. Look for quality, items created with natural products and details that speak to you and compliment your space.
1 comment
I love your decor and channel. I already have purchased two items from your shop and will probably buy more. Great items. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on life and how to decorate your home and make it your own.